Receive a grill when you open a new CD with Adams County Bank.
Invest $20,000 for 14 months and receive a Weber Genesis II Grill.
Invest $20,000 for 12 months and receive a Traeger Pro 575 Pellet Grill.
Call one of our locations for complete details and to hear more about our other great offers and rates.
Kenesaw: 402-752-3235
Juniata: 402-751-2120
Offer is limited to the first 15 grills taken. Limit one grill per household. The grill can be picked up within two weeks of CD purchase. Early withdrawal penalty applies. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 0.0%. This is a one-time offer. CD will renew as a standard 12 month CD at the current rate offered at that time.